Bible Gateway - This site is humorous, yes, but here is the most important link we can provide you, in our opinions. If the humor of our
site makes you curious about the real stories, check this out.
Wotmania - All about the Wheel of Time fantasy series. Thomas totally DIGS this site!
The Pirate Ship - Since James the Elder heads up the Disciples Anti-Pirate department, you can well imagine he spends a lot of time on this
Cooking With BigFoot - Judas (not Iscariot) has always had a certain interest in BigFoot. Let's face it, the guy is pretty sweet. Judas (not Iscariot)
recommends this site highly.
Doug? Who's that? - John the Beloved gives this site the sweet seal of approval. He goes to this site with a fish taco in one hand and a diet
Mr Pibb in the other! ROCKIN'!
Fandango - Disciples all love movies. They buy thier tickets here. James the Younger likes the convienience of bypassing
the ticket window. TOTALLY SWEET!